Max, 21, and Stanislav, 24, are brothers from Moscow region. Fans of folk music and rock music, they attended the St. Patrick’s Day parade in the Russian capital with friends from their town.
Max was wearing an unusual metallic chain around his neck that looked like a sword or anchor. He said it referred to pagan Slavic religions and that he adheres to Wotanism.
Max said his favorite musical group is Arkona, a pagan Slavic metal band. According to wikipedia, Arkona was the last pagan Slavic city-castle, destroyed in 1168.
Stanislav also said that organized religions like Christianity is not something he feels comfortable with. He said he prefers Slavic pagan religions as well as druidism.
”I try to live in such a way that my descendants will be proud of me,” Stanislav said, explaining why he chose such religions. ”I try to live in agreement with nature and harmony with myself.”