MOSCOW: Said was interested in ‘dark subcultures’ – as he calls them – for many years, including Gothic. He said he analyzed all religions, including paganism, satanism and Buddhism. Three years ago, he settled on Islam and gave himself the name ‘Said,’ which means ‘Happiness.’
Moscow-born Said, who still dresses in Gothic style, said that dark subcultures are not a leap from Islam as one might think.
”Dark subcultures make you think about death and that makes you think about your life. You learn to appreciate the people and things around you. Islam also makes you think about death on a daily basis.”
A lawyer by education, Said now works at Moscow’s oldest Mosque as a guard, making sure among other things that people don’t speak on mobile phones and snore inside the Mosque or violate other ethical rules in and around the premises.
He posts his thoughts on life – and sometimes on Gothic clothing – on his social media page, where he has a following of nearly 30,000.
Said said he is happy with his job. ”Working here, I can pray during the day. If I have another job, I wouldn’t be able to do it.”
The son of an Slavic, Orthodox Christian mother, Said said media give an inaccurate picture of Islam. ”Most people in Russia know nothing about Islam.”