KAZAN: ”I wish our country offered more exchange programs so that Russian children could travel and see the world, learn languages and share our interesting culture,’’ Natalia, 22 told me when I asked what she would like to see in her country.
Her answer was understandable – exchange programs have played a big role in her life and career plans. I met her at the Kazan Kremlin, where she was giving a tour to an exchange program teacher from Thailand. Natalia works for that program while finishing her degree in English and German.
She also teaches Spanish, which she learned during a trip to Argentina through that same program. Her mother, a geography teach, recommended Argentina.
Natasha’s family also hosts one to two foreigner students each year. She would like to work as a spanish teacher when she finishes her studies. I asked her what surprised her during her stay in Argentina.
‘’I was just shocked at how open they are. They are very sociable and talk to everyone.’’