Capturing Russia from white to black, north to south, east to west
North Caucasus Migrant Worker

North Caucasus Migrant Worker

Why are you taking photos?” he asked rather suspiciously as I photographed my homeless neighbor Rasul. I thought I was in for some trouble. I explained my story and then said ‘ I would llovevto take your photo as well.” He refused, but continued to ask me questions. We discussed the USA, NYC and Russia. After 15 minutes, he said I could take his photo and he told me his story – one that I have heard a dozen times. He comes to Moscow regularly by car from the economically depressed North Caucasus to work for weeks or months at a time, sending the earnings home to his wife and children. His dream was to earn enough to by a ‘decent car.’ I asked if the dream was materializing. “It’s not really working out – everything here is expensive, especially food that I barely have something to send home.

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